
Upcoming Event:

5K Walk & Boat Trip

This Week’s Jackpot:
€ 0
Until Next Lotto Draw
We are delighted to be able to facilitate our members to be back playing football. However before we can do that, every player in the Club will need to return the following 3 pieces of paperwork before they can return to training, with absolutely NO exceptions.
Please do so in advance of your first training session to avoid putting extra pressure on the club volunteer coaches.
1. Club Registration.
Anyone NOT YET registered for 2021 please follow the link below.


2. Covid eLearning Cert.
(Most will have this complete in 2020 and this will still be valid but needs to be checked)

Please login/register your account on www.foireann.ie.

Then check if you have elearning module box checked in your β€œProfile” tab. If not, you must complete it using the link below


3. Health eQuestionnaire.
This short form needs to be complete once before we go back. From there you must use this to confirm before each session that you/your child is still healthy.

This must also be complete by logging into www.foireann.ie

Thanks and looking forward to seeing you all back out playing and enjoying football again πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜ƒπŸ‡§πŸ‡Ό

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